Friday, January 9, 2009

My little Daisies....

Ah, but for the days when grown ups and grown up organizations waited till children were mature enough to schill their own wares! Sadly, those days are no more and now the responsibility falls squarely upon the parents' shoulders to make sure their kids "do" their parts.....

In light of that, Natalie and Cecile are "selling" Girl Scout cookies for their brand new Daisy Scout troop. If your mouth waters as mine does every time I see a green sash with badges or a beret, feel free to email (, call (h.516-889-.4648 w.212-522-1985) or stop by. NOTE, part of the proceeds will be used to provide cookies and other goodies for our troops overseas.

Alternatively, if you will be at AMA's tomorrow for the Paul / JP birthday bash, I will of course have the sheets with me :)

Thanks for your support!


1 comment:

ChefMichele said...

I will be there with bells on and money in pocket!! Funny I remember when I was a brownie- since I was the only girl in the family, I won prizes for being the highest seller.Everyone sold them for me, My dad ( NYPD ) and AMA ( the nurse ) brought the orders to work, Uncle John, to neighbors friends and work and even ACA to the nunnery!! So I say its all about NETWORKING NETWORKING NETWORKING!! I will see what I can do, even though I am in a kitchen of 6 people.