Monday, July 13, 2009

About time I logged on....

Just a quick note, seeing as how I am at work right now.....

It has been a pretty great summer so far! Once we got past the month of JUNE (which I now consider to be a "4-letter" word) the weather turned beautiful and has stayed that way. The gals finished up their T-Ball season with a parent / kid game and trophy ceremony. Also, they "graduated" kindergarten!! Can't believe that my eensy teensy twins are almost too big for me to pick up and on the cusp of being 1st graders! They are currently attending 1/2 summer camp: swimming in the community pool, taking little trips (bowling, roller skating, etc.) and generally staying up a little later and loving life. 4th of July weekend was spent at the beach, a couple of barbeques, and around the house being lazy - great weather, great boogie boarding, great food, great company, and great relaxing was had by all. Hit our first ever concert on the beach in Long Beach last Tuesday (or Wednesday?) night. I can't believe I had not gone to one before then. It seemed like half the city was there on the beach rocking out to the great music! And you couldn't ask for a nicer venue than one with the Atlantic Ocean as a backdrop. And they concerts are free!! We will definitely be taking advantage of these concerts for the remainder of the summer. This past weekend was spent in W.Hampton at my brother Dan's house - we were blessed with great weather and spent the better part of 3 days in and around the beautiful pool. The kids all got along great, there was good food and family - the best part was that it was just a "regular" weekend, no big event to plan for or around. Things just kind of unfolded and everything was great.

Upcoming: The gals and I are going to Georgia for a week to hang w/an old h.s. pal of mine and her kids. Plans include a few small trips, and lots of hanging around her pool if the weather cooperates. Also, figuring out when to ferry out to Fire Island to hang with cuz Michele, hopefully will be soon! Our annual block party is planned for 8.22 - any of you that will be in the area are welcome to join us. Garage sale (well, a porch sale!) in there somewhere too, as I try to "de-packrat" my house. Other than that - hopefully more of the same of what we've had so far which is great weather and lots of fun and love with family and friends.

I will post some pics later this week, hope everyone's summer is going as great as ours is!! Love you!


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