Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Da da! Da da! Da da!

....aka the Mexican Hat Dance (dang, it's been so long since I blogged I forget how to link to a "Mexican Hat Dance Page"!) aka our girls' first and maybe last dance recital according to BRAT-alie (aka NAT-alie, more on the BRAT part in a later post!). After sweating it out every Monday from 4pm till 5pm in dance class, for which we need to give JP a big SHOUT OUT for getting them dressed, organized, and THERE pretty much on time every week, our gals had their big recital. Now, there were signs posted everywhere throughout the dance studio: "TAPING THE RECITAL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED" and "DVDS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR $40" and "USE OF CAMERAS DURING THE RECITAL WILL BE STRICTLY PROHIBITED" .......blah blah blah blah. Everyone had their video cameras ready. Except US, of course. You could blame it on JP, for not finding me a new tape for the video camera, as I was doing the makeup for the gals. You could blame it on me, for taping the gals and their dance class friends in "the ready room" before the actual performance and using up all the (LIMITED) tape we had. You could blame it on the dance studio (My choice!!!) for all of the prohibitive signs they posted and then did not enforce.....

NEVERTHELESS, it was an awesome experience and performance. Our girls, despite never once showing us a dance step at home over the course of the year ("It's a surprise!") managed not to embarrass themselves by staying mostly in step. The "$95 wear them one time butana (spanish for "little hooker", I think) costumes" were well worth the money in the whole scheme of things, because they were so proud and excited to be wearing them. Kudos to all who were able to show up for support (you know who you are, and none of you have a blog ((wait, I think Joey was there!)), so you will have to hear about your kudos thru your blogging relatives LOL), the gals surely appreciated it. So anyway, here is a pic of the girls AFTER the fact, with the many bouquets of flowers they received, posing in front of the bay, which is what the HS that the recital was in faces. ALSO!!! If I can figure out 1) How to get my hands on that $40 video, and 2) How to post it - you will be the first to know.

PSHEW, aren't you all glad you have had a respite from my wordiness????? Hope y'all enjoyed it cause the posts are (hopefully) going to come fast and furious for a short time at least till my fingers catch up with our life. Also, don't forget to cast your vote as to who's who in the pic!

till later................



Unknown said...

Those costumes could be considered a form of child abuse. You better remove before BCW sees it.


The Jon-Paul Lessards! said...

DUDE, I am still editing the freaking post. What are you still doing up? LOL, I for one am blogging while watching the NL trying to make up for LOSING THE LEAD!!!!

re: the costumes, I am glad they LOVE THEM cause they cost me an arm, a leg, and an appendage to be named later......

PS - are you on IM?

ChefMichele said...

I think the girls look great in their costumes....could you email me that pic, I would love to print it out and hang it on my family n friends wall in my bedroom here on FI. xo