Tuesday, July 15, 2008

The Lax-ification of Jill........

Well well well, it's been quite a while since I have been here! I thought at least a brief update of what has been going on in my corner of the world since METSLUMBERFEST was long overdue; I will post separately about the events of importance, sometime in the not too distant future.....

1 - Natalie and Cecile have been verrrrrrrrrrrrrry busy! They had their 1st dance recital (The Mexican Hat Dance); graduated from Sandbox (They are off to kindergarten! Yes they are! Yes they are!); had their end of year Show Cases at Blackheath Pre-K; learned to swim; started Summer Camp; were accepted into the Long Beach West School; and have just literally matured into little people right before my very eyes over the past couple of months. MUCH more on them later.

2 - Yours truly has been getting around some too! I suddenly seem to have what is known as a "social life" as of late. Carnegie Hall, PTA fund raiser thank you dinners, luaus, bbqs, nights out in NYC- after a 20 some odd year absence my social life has resurfaced! More on some of those events later too.

3 - The garden I blogged about months ago when it was little more sprouts in pots has blossomed! We should be supplied with string beans, cherry tomatoes, strawberries, cukes, eggplants, zucchinis, basil, chives, etc etc etc for the rest of the summer. YUMMY!!!

4 - I finally got my fountain! That's right, the fountain that I have spoken about for the 10 years we have live in our house (10 YEARS!!! OMIGOD!!!) has been installed in our backyard. My own little Zen sanctuary. I am going to sit next to it and read my feng shui book, to see if I can figure out how to "Zen" up the rest of the house :)


6 - Our Block Party was a big success! Other than the fact that I got to spend a total of around 1 hour (in 5-6 minute intervals) out of 10 at my own house with my own guests, everything went off pretty much according to plan. Should I decide to take on the task of planning it again next year, I will certainly enlist some neighbors to take some of the pressure off of me.

7 - Some sad news: Sabre passed away, at home, on Wednesday July 9th. She was 17yrs old, and would have turned 18 this coming September. She was a wonderful companion to Jon-Paul for many years, and to the rest of us in her later years, and she will be missed by all of us as well as by JJ and Wallace.

Ok, that is all I can think of off the top of my head. I will upload some pics this week, maybe some video of the gals too if I can figure out how to do that.


Unknown said...

'bout damn time!!!

Good to hear things are good. By the way, you don't mention him, but how's JP? :)

Sorry to hear about Sabre. She was one good dog. Using 7 years per, she lived to be 122 years old!!!


ChefMichele said...

Thank you!! I have been patiently awaiting updated blogs by you, Angie and yes, do I dare say it, even Joey. Thank goodness that Scott keeps blogging in a timely manner for me to keep up with that part of the family. Glad to hear all is well. Kiss the girls for me, sorry to hear about Sabre, she will be missed, and say hi to your hubby for me. Cant wait to see you all on Fire Island SOOOOON!!! Keep the blogs acoming. CIL Michele xoxox

Angie Lessard said...

I'm sorry to hear about Sabre. I can't even fathom having a dog for 17 years...much less losing one after that long. He lived a long happy life, though!

Can't wait to see pics and/or video of the girls. Look forward to seeing them on Turkey day...is that a for sure thing??? Hope so!

Miss you all and hope to see everyone soon - Angie

The Jon-Paul Lessards! said...

Well thanky thanky thanky to all of you fellow bloggers that hung in there waiting for another post, and then actually replying! Kudos to you all, I will try and keep a bit more current. Re: JP, he says hi. That was about all he had to say despite my attempt to get him to blog this evening LOL. In time, in time....ANGIE - I cannot wait to see the new piercing, I have been contemplating doing it myself and maybe the fact that you took the plunge will put me over the edge! Re: T-day, we have three tix on my miles, so I am fairly certain we can scrape the rest of the $$$ together. Also, I thoroughly enjoyed yr pics and descriptions of your Mexico adventure. SCOOT, your blog is an inspiration to us all, not only in the fact that you post so faithfully, but in that you actually entertain us! MICHELE, though you don't post as often as yr bro, you have definitely settled into the "blogger" world well with pics and spot on descriptions of yr life and your experiences. I can only hope to aspire to be as good as all of you!!! Love you all, Jill (NOT the slacker JP though I am sure if he could tear himself away from internet games he would have sumpin' to say)