Friday, July 25, 2008

Now I have them by the short hairs.....

My beautiful daughters, inspired by their beautiful cousins Cassie and Kaitlynn, decided that they no longer needed all of their hair once they saw other children who had no hair at all. So last week I took them to Hair Expo in Oceanside.

Now understand that the reasoning behind this, while good intentioned, was not all unselfish. These kids, have more hair at 5 than I have had my entire life. These kids, have hair that was getting so long, it got in the way when they went to the bathroom (use your imagination to figure THAT one out). These kids, have had at least 10 inches of hair cut off already, over the course of the last 2 years - again, more hair than I have ever even had. And, these kids, being only 5, are not yet ready to take care of, or even really appreciate, the beautiful locks they have been blessed with. So it ended up in a pony tail. Every day. And now that they are swimming at camp 3 days a week, those pony tails were a hot tranny mess!

So, after discussing "the cut" to make sure they understood how much hair would be coming off, off we went.

Now Jeanine had recommended Carolyn, the hairdresser who had done such a beautiful job on Kate's hair. She did not have enough time to do both haircuts, however, so Natalie had her hair cut by Katie (not THAT Katie!) and Cecile was shorn by Carolyn. We were early (!) and as Katie was free, Nat was up first. Katie whipped out her trusty ruler (she didn't

actually "whip it out", she had to go to the front desk and dig it up) to make sure the required 10 inches were there. It turned out to be 11 inches. Then, Up In The Chair and Off! With! Her! Hair!!

Cecile's hairdresser was now available. Out came the ruler, the scissors were sharpened then Up In The Chair and Off! With! Her! Hair!!!

So there you have it. I think it was harder for me to see that hair cut off then it was for my beauties. As you can tell from the pics, they are thrilled with their new hairstyles! And I must say, maintenance has gone from an 8 to a 2 on the difficulty scale. AND, some little kids will soon have beautiful hair complements of my gals.

The end result!

Okay. that's it for today. Apologies to those of you (hello Scoot!) who don't like posting about their kids. I for one, am all for posting about them all the time cause they are the best thing I have ever done in my life :)

More later..........

Jill (STILL waiting for JP's first post!!!!!)


Angie Lessard said...

OMG...they look so adorable!! I can't believe how grown-up they look with their new hairstyle! You will be very happy with the shorter style. Cassie was also blessed with "mucho" hair and I was so glad when we cut hers off...too much to maintain at a young age and hers tangles so bad!!

Anyway, tell them we said they look beautiful and we can't wait to see it in person!!

Love you all - Angie

The Jon-Paul Lessards! said...

Thanks Angie! I think they look great too, just like their cuz Cassie :) We will hopefully be there for Turkey day, get that boat that Scoot was blogging about organized!


ChefMichele said...

AWWW they really do look adorable!! XOXOX to them both from Aunt Michele!! I miss you all. When are you coming to FI???????

The Jon-Paul Lessards! said...

We are planning to invade FI on tuesday 8/19!

Unknown said...

They look GREAT! I bet they are cooler, too. Oh, wait - that's not a real big deal in NY.

Oh - and failed to mention, Cassie's hair is getting long again. Go figure.